Let’s face it. Hiring a business coach isn’t cheap.

The coach’s qualifications, scope of engagement and service level commitment, among other factors, can propel annual costs to levels that seem out of reach.

With so many other demands on your firm’s limited resources,

HOW do you justify the investment in a coach?

Coaching Investment

Every good investment opportunity has 3 components:

1 - Strong Investment Thesis

A coach will provide a more focused and effective approach to virtually every activity in your organization, leading to:

  • a stronger leadership team that is more aligned on the highest priorities and results-driven
  • faster sales growth than you would have otherwise achieved without a coach
  • an ongoing process to identify and eliminate waste in your organization
  • higher profits and cash flow available to re-invest in the business
  • a culture of accountability that will continue to pay dividends in future years
2 - Attractive Expected Return on Investment (ROI)
Use this calculator to estimate how much a coach could help to improve your Sales, Gross Margins and Net Profit. Enter your own assumptions in the gray cells with blue text.

The calculator is best viewed on a desktop computer.

3 - Plan to Mitigate Risks

The potential risks of engaging a coach are minimal. The downside of an unsuccessful coaching engagement is generally constrained to coaching fees and time invested by the leadership team.

Perficio Partners mitigates our client’s risk by:

  • using a phased approach to guide the leadership team through the implementation
  • having frequent accountability calls to promote steady progress
  • getting more hands-on when necessary to ensure adoption and accountability

If you are dissatisfied with our impact on your organization, you can end the engagement at any time.


Your investment in a business coach is a 1 to 2-year commitment that should pay dividends immediately and well into the future.

Your team will adopt habits that support a culture of accountability, drive a continuous cycle of improvement and give you more freedom.

So, the real question is:
How much is it costing you NOT to hire a coach?